Cancer burden and status of cancer control measures in fragile states: acomparative analysis of 31 countries admin October 3, 2022 To open the publication please click the link below. admin See author's posts Continue Reading Previous: Children with COVID-19 have a substantially higher risk of developing type1 diabetes in the months following diagnosis, according to a newstudy analyzing health records of 1 million+ patients 18 and under; but it’sunclear whether COVID-19 itself triggers diabetes onset Related Stories Children with COVID-19 have a substantially higher risk of developing type1 diabetes in the months following diagnosis, according to a newstudy analyzing health records of 1 million+ patients 18 and under; but it’sunclear whether COVID-19 itself triggers diabetes onset Children with COVID-19 have a substantially higher risk of developing type1 diabetes in the months following diagnosis, according to a newstudy analyzing health records of 1 million+ patients 18 and under; but it’sunclear whether COVID-19 itself triggers diabetes onset October 3, 2022 Reasons for informal payments from the perspective of health careproviders and recipients: a qualitative study in Iran Reasons for informal payments from the perspective of health careproviders and recipients: a qualitative study in Iran October 3, 2022 Negative effects of short birth interval on child mortality in low- andmiddle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis Negative effects of short birth interval on child mortality in low- andmiddle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis October 3, 2022